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Q.) Would you recommend individual or group sports?
A.) Both! The type of sport your student pursues will have to be something they show interest in so that should be the first priority. The advantage of team based sports is that it builds good cooperation, leadership, and camaraderie among the team members. Individual sports help build perseverance and self motivation as the only person who can improve your performance is yourself. Both types of sports will allow the student to distinguish themselves if the necessary amount of effort is applied.

Elementary & Pre-K


Middle School

Q.) What foreign language is recommended?
A.) In the United States, Spanish is a highly dominant second language and will be the most applicable in the future. However, other languages such as German, French, Japanese and more can be useful when applying to study abroad programs or if working in fields that have a strong international presence.
Q.) How to find volunteer opportunities for students below the age of 16?
A.) The best avenue for finding volunteer opportunities is large volunteer organizations such as YMCA, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross and more. In addition, local high schools will often have a volunteer service clubs which can help you find areas in which you can begin to volunteer. It is important that the service you choose is something that you are passionate about rather than something that might look good on an application.

High School

Q.) When should the student decide their major?
A.) The student should begin exploring their desired major at the start of high school and have a decent idea what they want to do by 10th grade. Students must take certain honors, AP or advanced courses to prepare for their chosen majors in colleges during their 10th year. Some colleges require specific AP courses taken in high-school. 
Q.) What extracurricular activities are good to pursue for getting into college
A.) There is no simple or brief answer for it.  However, it is a good idea to follow what the student is passionate about as that is ultimately what colleges want to see. Counseling is highly recommended to explore options that will apply for the student
Q.) When should students be taking the SAT/ACT tests?
A.) To apply for college, the student must have completed either the SAT or ACT. Both tests are offered 7 times a year in with the first tests being offered in March and February, respectively, and the final test being offered in December. Students applying to competitive colleges should begin studying for these exams in the spring of their sophomore year, take their first tests in the fall of junior year, then take their second or third attempts in the fall of junior year. It is possible to take it once more in the fall of senior year, however most college application submissions are due by December so caution is advised.
Q.) How important is the college essay?
A.) The college essay is one of the three main pillars upon which a college application is judged. Among even those, the college essay is the only benchmark where the student can really show who they are as an individual and tell their story. Therefore, it is an extremely critical part of the application and should be started as early as possible. Due to the small word limit, each essay must be extremely succinct and impact which will require many re-writes and peer reviews.
Q.) How to improve scores in SAT/ACT?
A.) As with most things, preparation is the key factor in taking the SAT and ACT. While the questions change, the subject areas are the same and after taking a number of practice tests, you will notice that there is a certain pattern to the types of questions asked. It is important to identify the areas in which you are struggling and improve upon those individually. Beyond just studying out of prep books and practice exams, there are many external resources such as tutors and prep institutions.
Q.) Why are school grades high but standardized test scores low?
A.) There are a number of key differences between school work and standardized testing that may challenge students in areas that are not as strong. One of the big differences between school exams and a standardized test is the endurance required to maintain high focus for a long period of time. While most school exams are only an hour to an hour and half, ACT/SAT are both three hours long. This endurance must be specifically trained outside of school as it is not required in school. Another key difference is the amount of subjects and topics covered in a standardized test. Unlike school exams that only focus on one subject, the ACT has four subjects and the SAT has three. Therefore it is only natural that all the skills a student may develop in school are not transferable to the standardized tests.


Q.) How to look for paid or unpaid internships?
A.) The answer often depends on what stage of their academic career a student is in. For college students, most universities offer their own internship/job posting site which will be vital in connecting with companies and organizations. For students in high school, it may be more prudent to ask your teachers for any opportunities they may know of, contact local business, or consult with us as we may have the connections necessary to facilitate an internship.

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