It’s a wonderful feeling that AVS Academy is associated with great humans like Dr. Kavya Manyapu who is a global phenomenon. Dr. Kavya has been climbing mountain peaks to raise funds for supporting poor students through her project SHAKTHI. Her recent expedition in India was a great success and now she is heading to Argentina to climb South America’s highest mountain peak Aconcagua.
Latest Update:
Dr. Kavya reached the high camp 3 Colera, higher than Kilimanjaro at 19600 ft.

We have no words to say and no sentences to pen besides wholeheartedly wishing her good luck. Her journey started on 12/18/22 and lasts for more than three weeks. With the money she raises, she wants to support poor students in education and motivate them to become good citizens and ambitious heroes loke her.

Our AVS academy has been extending full support to her initiatives, and students are already an integral part of her vision.

Good luck Dr. Kavya and please support the hero of our next generation!

AVS Academy