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AVS Academy

Free Medical Camp was a massive success - led by Ananya Janapareddy, Arizona

AVS Academy hosted a massive free medical camp on March 19th at Palakol, West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ananya, a High School student from Arizona led this effort under the guidance of Dr. Mamata Prabhakar and thoroughly supported by a student team of seven including the camp advisor Keerthana Kamboji, TX.

In total, 417 patients registered and the stats for the tests below

  • Cardiology: 158

  • Urology: 86

  • Nephrology: 39

  • General Medicine: 91

  • Sugar tests: 417

  • B. P tests: 417

  • ECG organized for 113

  • 2D Echo test organized for 59

We, at AVS Academy will conduct several medical awareness sessions, medical camps, research roundtables and engage next-generation students in these charitable deeds.

Thank you to KIMS, Walkers Club, Lions Club and all wonderful volunteers who made this event a huge success. We sincerely appreciate District Governor, Governor -UKC International, Sub Inspector of Police and all the dignitaries & executives who blessed this occasion.


AVS Academy!

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